"Drop it!"

...a sudden loud bang burst into my room. The lights from the corridor blinded me. I could not see who was standing in front of me. Only a faint silhouette was cast in front of me. Blood from my wrist trickled, and within moments I feel entire numbness. Finally, I was able to go to rest...


It was midnight. Yet the streets were still bustling with people. The noise from the streets was so deafening I could not sleep. The street lights that pierced through my window broke the darkness that was cuddling me to sleep. The atmosphere was dreadful. I search around my room looking for the pills that would put all these into silence, but to of no avail. The pills that were to provide me with peace seemed no where to be found. Dejected, I struggled to put myself into bed without the assistance of that miracle medicine. I tossed and turned in my bed with my eyes wide open. I could not fall asleep, I never could.

Stinging laughters continued to torch my crumbling faith. I could no longer lift my pair of hands, and say a line of prayer. The moment of despair was all that was required for me to lift the knife up...